Eycon™10/20 Visual Supervisor结合多功能控制,记录和可视化在一个单一的过程管理单元。EyconTM系列视觉监控器提供创新的、多功能的控制、记录和可视化-将控制、数据采集和过程自动化的专业知识引入到一个单一的过程管理单元。彩色触摸屏显示连续和顺序控制用户自定义功能键多设点编程器批量控制Recipe管理审计跟踪大型内部数据归档(46MB)安全日志告警/事件管理USB支持点对点通信Modbus主/从(串行或TCP) 10/100Mbps以太网组合Multi-Function Control, Recording and Visualization in a Single Process Management Unit. The EyconTM Series of Visual Supervisors provide innovative, multi-function control, recording and visualization – bringing expertise in control, data acquisition and process automation into a single process management unit. The Eycon 10 (5.5″ ¼ VGA) and Eycon 20 (12.1″ XGA) offer integrated color, TFT displays capable of performing continuous, sequential and logic control in a slim panel mount enclosure. Eycon Visual Supervisor technology incorporates extensive functionality to provide complete management of a process. Their advanced array of features effectively makes the Eycon visual supervisor a mini DCS – with the efficiency and economy of integration into a single unit and the flexibility to be a powerful component of a wider system.