etp -液压机-快速和精确紧固较大的轴etp -液压机可根据要求提供。下面列表中的尺寸和负载可以作为定制产品的指导原则。它可以制造更大和更小的轴,也可以短或长。安装数量> 1 000。对于极端高扭矩应用,etp -液压机(尺寸≥130毫米)的接触面可以镀上ETP-HFC,高摩擦涂层,使扭矩能力翻倍。为了经常沿着轴滑动,它可以在内部镀铝青铜。ETP-HYDROPRESS是一种液压接头,由一个双壁钢套组成。使用液压润滑脂泵安装很容易。在法兰上有两个连接:一个用于泵的油脂接头,一个用于拆卸的压力释放阀,一个压在钢球上形成球形阀座的螺钉。泵软管的径向和/或轴向连接是可能的。 The inner diameter can be made with spiral tracks in order to easier let foreign liquids or particles disappear. Operation When the hydraulic pressure from the pump is injected, the double-walled sleeve expands uniformly against shaft and hub and along the shaft and forms a rigid joint. When dismantling, the allen screw in the pressure release valve is loosened and the grease comes out. ETP-HYDROPRESS returns to its original measurements and the joint is loose. Normal working pressure is up to 700 bar.