PKX是一种聚四氟乙烯膜片型电磁计量泵,其特点是使用简单。PKX系列的可靠性和质量已经得到证实,由于其紧凑的设计和多用途性,PKX系列是许多需要中等流量、反压力高达6bar (87 psi)的化学药剂应用的理想解决方案。主要特点:外壳采用抗酸云母填充增强聚丙烯材料。优异的耐水性,适用于坚韧的应用。泵保护:IP65。采用泵提供的通用支撑支架安装在墙壁或脚上。减少尺寸,有效利用剂量钻机的空间,非常适合OEM应用。液体低液位选项,可防止损失的原液。闪烁led显示泵的冲程频率。强大的电位器流量设置,IP 65 ON/OFF开关。手动空气排放聚丙烯头,安全方便,持久耐用,无泄漏排放阀总成。 Diaphragms are of superior construction, robust PTFE machined part not bonded composite layers, for optimum flexibility and long durability. A wide variety of chemicals can be pumped due to different liquid end materials include glass-filled polypropylene (GFPPL), PVC, Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF), PTFE, Plexiglas and 316SS. Valves and sealing in FPM (Viton), EPDM (Dutral), Nitryl, Silicone, ceramic and alloys. Immediate installation and start-up, included as standard accessories with all models are an injection/back pressure valve assembly and a foot valve/strainer assembly, including discharge, suction and bleeding tubing.