Esprit提供了一套强大的3轴加工循环,可用于粗糙,预固化,完成和重新装饰复杂的自由式零件。Esprit Solidmill Freeform™在模具和模具,工具制造,离散零件和模型制作市场中广泛使用。ESPRIT的每个3轴加工循环都针对加工3D模型进行了优化,该模型可能包括表面,固体和STL几何形状。借助ESPRIT的Modeless编程™,自由式周期可用于磨坊,车床,磨坊和瑞士型机器的任何配置。这些3轴周期也可以在任何其他ESPRIT周期内组合,以为整个部分创建一个完整的零件程序。A powerful suite of 3-axis cycles for machining complex freeform parts, used by customers in mold and die, tool making, discrete parts, and model-making markets High-Performance Roughing ESPRIT’s roughing cycles will machine workpieces down to a near net shape using the highest possible material removal rates, resulting in the shortest cycle times. ProfitMilling does this by maintaining a consistent tool engagement angle, chip load, lateral cutter force, and machine acceleration to achieve optimal results. Prefinishing Following roughing, ESPRIT has a variety of prefinishing cycles available to ensure the varying surfaces of the workpiece all have the exact required stock allowance. As a result, the finishing tool or tools have a constant volume of material to remove, resulting in maximizing tool life and optimal surface finishes.