由于板的紧凑尺寸为22mm x 60/80mm x 4,4mm,因此可以添加另外两个CAN FD接口(acc。ISO 11898-2)到带有M.2插槽的主板和单板机。因此,对于这类应用程序,不需要USB之类的外部接口。扩展卡有两个电隔离的CAN FD接口。由于完全向下兼容CAN板可以很容易地操作在经典的CAN应用程序。每个CAN接口可以由带有DSUB9连接器的可选适配器独立地向外引导。它们有一个车载终端电阻,可以通过跳线接通。对于外部连接,还可以根据请求提供更多的变体。该板基于ISO 16845:2004认证的esd Advanced CAN Core (esdACC)。它支持DMA,也称为总线控制,它可以自主地将数据传输到主机- cpu的内存。 This significantly reduces the CPU load and overall latency of the system. Another feature of the esdACC is the use of MSIs (Message Signaled Interrupts) which makes esd CAN boards also suitable for hyper visor environments. Thanks to its high performance the board is perfectly adapted for real time operating systems. esd electronics offers support for native drivers in various systems. In addition, the CAN-M2/402-2-FD supports a high resolution 64bit time stamp, as do all other boards of the 402 series. Software drivers for Windows and Linux are supplied free of charge.