技术特点-由数字处理器控制。-效率98%以上。—可编程启动时间。-在额定水平上编程电压的可能性:230/220/210 VAC。-编程电压在降低水平的可能性:200/190/180 VAC。-三相独立相位调节。-易于安装,合并在行标题。——自动复位。优点-照明节能高达55%。-回收期快,可靠性高。 - Extends lamp life. - Reduces failures. - Maintains the uniformity of lighting. - Maintains installation Cos Phi. - Does not produce harmonics in the network. - Does not produce micro cuts. - Foreseen for all types of lamps. The system is integrated in the head of the lighting line providing a stabilization and regulating between two levels, nominal and reduced, the amount of energy provided to the lamps. This control is programed from the external clock, that controls the installation and the energy in the startup and changes to reduced mode lineally, without important alterations in the lighting. An optional remote control and information system via GSM would keep us informed of operating conditions and incidents.