许多科学家们仍然使用电子表格或基于纸张的笔记本电脑来跟踪他们的实验。这些解决方案已被证明并使用数十年。仍然,它们易于人为误差,损坏和错位。可以以数字方式完成工作步骤的文档。Elabjournal电子实验室笔记本提供了一种直观和灵活的解决方案,可以记录研究和跟踪研究数据。Elabjournal提供直观和灵活的解决方案来管理实验室中的所有信息。一体化电子实验室笔记本(ELN)还包括用于样品跟踪和协议管理的模块。在记录,组织,搜索和归档数据,样本和协议时,Elabjournal提高效率。该软件适用于任何从小学术实验室和初创公司到大型学术机构和全球运营公司的实验室。由科学家为科学家设计。 Access your data from anywhere The drawback of locally stored data is obvious: You have to be at that specific office or lab computer to check out your data. Or even enter the lab to have a look in your classic paper-based lab notebook. In contrast to these limitations, eLabJournal is a web-based ELN that allows you to access your data on any device, anytime, anywhere. You just need your access code. Mobile access is available through the eLabJournal mobile App (Android & iOS). Improve your efficiency Streamline your lab workflow by documenting and searching research data, tracking sample collections, managing protocols or SOPs, and centralizing lab supplies ordering. All kind of data can be collected in one database.