从一个品牌和另一个品牌的拖拉机,来自另一个品牌的工具并不罕见。实现您连接到拖拉机的设备,如种子播种机或肥料。在Isobus标准之前,通过自己的终端(显示器)操作实现,并且有几种实现意味着拖拉机舱中的几个端子。Isobus标准带来了许多好处。首先,拖拉机和工具是'即插即用的能力。只有一个终端可以仅控制所有实施操作,这意味着在拖拉机舱内更少的布线和更好的可见性。标准化电缆和连接器降低成本并简化了事物。EPEC Isobus控制单元(EPEC 3606,EPEC 3610和EPEC 3724)已通过AEF的硬件一致性测试,所有这些都可以用作ISOBUS网关。Isobus.system example with Epec 3724 control unit: ISOBUS gateways are used to update a non-ISOBUS implement to ISOBUS implement, just add an Epec ISOBUS gateway and application: details Epec’s ISOBUS solution supports: ISOBUS VT client (VT version 2-3) ISOBUS TC client (TC version 3) ISOBUS Tractor-ECU (TECU class 1-2) interface ISOBUS Diagnostics For programming information, see Epec Programming and Libraries manual’s section Programming ISOBUS. Did you know Epec customer service professionals provide › ISOBUS turn-key projects › ISOBUS training › ISOBUS technical support for your needs! easy set-up Epec provides all the necessary hardware and software to ISOBUS implement development. Set-up is easy with Epec MultiTool and ISOBUS client libraries.