扫街车辆>扫街车辆自动执行扫街过程。>由放置在柜内的控制板引导车辆的全部功能。>清扫车的储存容量为2-8立方米,视车辆的特点而定。>垃圾库地面使用的钢材厚度平均为4-5毫米。此外,一种厚度为3-4毫米的钢材料也用于水库的上游。位于垃圾蓄水池内用于空气循环的风道。为了分离水库中聚集的垃圾,在水库中放置了一个筛子。>为提高垃圾库而建立的伸缩式液压系统。>蓄水池升高和清扫过程由司机室管理。Waterworks在街道清扫车上发现的一个水箱,容量为1200-1500升,由不锈钢材料制造。 The requested pressure gained from a pump with a hydraulic system. Motor and fan system The required movement for the sweeping process procured from the engine of the vehicle. The engine controlled from the drivers’ compartment. The fan activates the brush system and the water pump. Hydraulic system The trash reservoir and the rear cap operates with a hydraulic system. A hydraulic lock system determined on the rear cap in order to keep the cap safe. Oil pan having nearly 100 liters capacity allocated for the hydraulic system.