产品系列:•标准丁腈密封-可用于广泛的流体,如脱盐水,油/水乳剂,水乙二醇,矿物油•双速泵1000大气压•丁钠橡胶腈海豹和可选的三元乙丙橡胶密封可以交换使用特种液压工作油或制动液体•浸渍铝阳极氧化膜与不锈钢泵壳体内部泵组件•外部可调安全阀•1/4 " NPTF螺纹规端口•使用单作用汽缸and tools. •MP-Pump includes 1,5 mm thick gasket for reservoir mounting. MP-Series pumps requires the use of an external reservoir. •MP-Series pumps are for use with single-acting cylinders and tools. •Optional Reservoir Kit: Includes 10 litres tank with skid frame, top plate with reservoir seal, suction pipe and mounting bolts. Useable oil capacity is 7,4 litres. Order model number: MP10T