设计具有增强的性能和低维护高效空气过滤系统的强大可确保更高的压缩机效率W型配置,三缸,两级,油溅润滑,风冷,直接耦合低噪音水平免费空气递送:1000 IPM(35.31CFM)工作压力:10.5 kg / cm2整体尺寸(Lx b x h):1120 x770x 925 mm重量:450 kg(约)键特性•升级版的TRC1000MN版本•设计方面的强大,性能增强,维护更少;这些压缩机are used in conventional loco model WAP4, WAG5 and WAG7 locomotives manufactured by Chittaranjan Locomotives Works, Chittaranjan & BHEL, Jhansi •Unique ‘Disc Type Coupling’ arrangement which requires very less attention and can take larger misalignment •Efficient air filtration System ensures higher compressor efficiency and low noise level