Compressée)空气在干燥器,冷却器和空气接收器中冷凝水分。这种冷凝物需要经常去除。该过程由排水阀完成。在普通排水沟中,总有压缩空气损失。大多数冷凝水耗尽了4毫米孔口。这4毫米孔口吹出约34个CFM,这是6.5千瓦的电力的吻合。Elgi Airmate排出Zéro空气损失原则的工作,并没有出血!空气,因此节约能源。技术综合征能力:50至2000 CFM工作压力:16 BAR G MAX介质:冷凝器,控制器采用超可靠的微控制器,具有双重调节缸和排水管,用于增加使用的灵活性。该阀门具有大孔口和Spécial螺线管操作器排放粉尘的部分。 ■Easy to mount at ail location ■Maintain and dean drain valve without removing from service ■Adjustable on and off timing ■Large orifice for effective drain of dust and condensate ■Condensate discharging is no problem The condensate sensing type automatic drain valve is the latest advancement in drain valve technology. Instead of operating through cycle timer, these valves sense the condensate level for activation, ensuring absolutely no loss of compressed air and hence enormous energy saving. These drain valves are highly efficient and reliable.They can be fitted directly on the equipment simply by replacing the manual drains. ■The electronic level control ensures proper draining of condensate and avoids unnecessary loss of air.