skyyeye Sierra垂直起降的主要优势是:起飞和降落是在所谓的垂直起降模式下执行的。一架直升飞机。垂直起降模式非常有用,因为起飞和降落不需要太多空间。-不需要弹射发射器起飞。垂直起降完全准确。-着陆时不需要降落伞,也没有在着陆过程中损坏飞机的风险。- SkyEye Sierra垂直起降平台更大,更强大。-它可以携带3公斤的有效载荷。航程(巡航)320公里。耐力(巡航)电动3小时。 Gas 5 hrs. - Motors are waterproof and dust resistance. The motors are having special protecting covering in order to be pesticide resistant. - ELEVONX SkyEye Sierra VTOL is electric so it's more quieter than petrol engine if necessary it can be upgraded with a petrol engine. - SkyEye Sierra VTOL is equipment with various safety systems. In order to prevent, avoid different safty incident. VIDEOS: SkyEye Sierra VTOL: Modular: Ales Ahcin CCO @ ElevonX m: +38641856708 e: w: s: ales.ahcin