天然橡胶NR,黑色。- DVB:硬度40、55、70 Shore A±5。- DVB-SST:硬度55 Shore A±5。DVB.6:镀锌钢板和螺纹螺柱。DVB.6-SST: AISI 304不锈钢板和螺纹螺柱。- DVB.7:镀锌钢板和凸台,螺纹盲孔。DVB.7-SST: AISI 304不锈钢板和凸台,螺纹盲孔。特点和应用dvb。振动阻尼元件的设计是为了减少移动物体或设备和机器的非平衡振动质量所产生的振动、冲击和噪音。DVB元件通常用作保险杠或作为吸收振动的极限止动器。 Vibrations can cause: - malfunctioning and reduction of the machine lifespan and/or of the adjacent ones; - damage to operator's health; - noise. Load diagrams for each single code are available on request. See Technical data and guidelines for the choice(on page ). SPECIAL EXECUTIONS ON REQUEST Natural rubber NR, hardness 40, 70 Shore A ±5 for the executions with AISI 304 stainless steel base.