标配AISI 304不锈钢底座,AISI 303不锈钢螺纹盲杆或球接头。不锈钢螺丝、螺母。—LMY:带调整六边形。—LMY-HS:上端为内六角套筒,底部为扳手平头。—LMY-EH:上端为六边形,底部为扳手平头。- LMY-HV:带有AISI 303不锈钢可调节套筒,用于保护底部的螺纹和扳手平面。- AS指标:采用丁腈橡胶防滑盘(PERBUNAN),邵氏硬度70,黑色。特点-阀杆支撑点的底座凸型,减少污垢沉积,简化清洗操作。—覆盖阀杆螺纹部分的套筒(LMY-HV)是可调节的,减少污垢的沉积。下表中的静荷载值是实验室试验的结果,在这些试验中,荷载垂直地施加到底座上。 Such values have to be considered as purely indicative and must be verified under the specific conditions of use. Under common working conditions, side or angular loading increases the stress on the levelling element and reduces its carrying capacity. It's the user's responsibility to determine, case by case, whether the product is suitable for the intended use.