PVmet-100是我们的标准模型选项,具有特定于光伏发电的传感器。标准测量参数(辐照度、PV后面板温度、环境温度)。PVmet是一个创新的光伏监测传感器平台,由Rainwise公司开发,由EKO提供。这种低成本的站是紧凑的,安装简单,并连接到任何逆变器或SCADA系统。与所有的PVmet站一样,它包括一个RS-485 Modbus接口(Sunspec®认证)。PVmet系列是交钥匙式的,易于安装,可以在恶劣的环境条件下部署。EKO提供独特的辐射计校准,符合ISO/IEC17025/9847定义的国际标准。各种安装选项可供选择,包括Mono安装。PVmet具有可拆卸的桅杆部分,可通过螺栓固定在现有的结构上。背面模块温度传感器用导热胶带贴在光伏板背面。 They provide accurate panel temperatures, an important parameter for efficiency monitoring. One sensor is shipped with each system. The PVmet supports two sensors. All electrical connections are made using screw terminals. Standard sensors are factory installed. As a user/installer the only connections required are power, communications and external BOM sensors. Removing the front cover accesses all connections. The cover is secured with 4 screws. Specifications - PVmet-100 Pyranometer (POA) - ML-01 Ambient Temperature - AT-01 Back module temperature - BPT-01 Power requirements - 10 to 30 VDC at 50mA Operating Environment - - 40° to 60°C