没有可移动部件的液位控制器有各种版本,并且非常耐脏。电容式液位控制器可用于气体到-200°C以及热胶到+230°C。聚四氟乙烯和PEEK是这里的首选材料,因为他们防止粘附。光电填充传感器与玻璃或电源不需要中等调整,只需添加顶部的水箱。这些传感器也可作为防爆单元按照ATEX。超声波传感器,压力控制器或电容式高温测量探头KFA连续监测和记录充填水平。MFP系列是EGE公司为液体设计的电容式液位传感器。该装置具有健壮的设计,专门用于连续监测不同类型介质的填充水平。它采用脉冲雷达原理,不需要运动部件。这个装置的工作原理很简单,它通过发射雷达脉冲来反射介质表面。 With this function, it creates an "echo" which i analyzed so that the measuring fill level is stable. The principle its uses enables it to withstand certain environmental conditions such as temperature, medium density, pressure and dust. With this capacity, this is surely the tool for operation that requires efficiency and reliability at all cost. Plus, its head just fits compatibly on a wide range of applications.