Powerwash -经过验证的技术Powerwash技术可用于所有类型的清洗。零件首先要脱脂,然后反复清洗。倾斜、振动工作台和吹气区域的组合有效地去除组件表面的水分-这理想地准备组件在干燥过程的下一个步骤。干燥过程的下一个步骤确保无残留物干燥。在进入干燥炉之前,用空气将零件吹掉。然后零件在冷却区完成。二氧化碳清洗-节能且不需用水该方法适用于去除光污染。它可以用液体和低温二氧化碳有效地清洗零件。从组件中除去的外来物质与二氧化碳分离。无化学和无水过程消除了烤箱和下游冷却区的需要。 This process saves both, space and energy costs. No energy is required for heating a scrubbing solution or for operating the oven and pumps. Surface activating via flaming The plasma flame booth prepares the plastic surface through an adiabatic process to increase the surface tension and make it suitable for painting. The robot’s installation-friendly design perfectly integrates the fuel supply and ignition cable – which accordingly improves accessibility.