该MCA112-05结合了高输出,119dB(a)报警音响与5焦耳氙气信标。具有坚固的、防火的、IP66和IP67外壳,MCA112-05特别适用于环境噪声水平高的恶劣环境。音响和信标可以单独操作,也可以同时操作。特点:自动同步多音响系统。自动同步灰,或触发器交替模式。氙气管机械安全,防止振动。不断评价。大的终止。不锈钢兴。棘轮可调不锈钢U型支架360°定位。 Duplicate cable terminations. (in & out for daisy-chain installations). Tropicalisation available on request. Available with custom tone congurations and frequencies. Programmable version available: - 45 alarm tones - 4 remotely selectable stages - Any tone can be assigned to any stage - User congurable continuous frequency tone Approvals: UKOOA/PFEER compliant alarm tones. GOST-R approved. Cert: POCC GB-JB05-H00144