Dense Phase Pressure System The HDP 3000 Conventional Concept Pressure Conveying System is a dense phase, medium to high pressure, low to medium velocity batch type conveying system. It is generally used for conveying high to medium density, heat sensitive, semi-abrasive and/or very abrasive, cohesive and/or very fragile materials in almost any particle size range. Examples include silica sand, glass batch, granulated sugar, powdered sugar, plastic pellets, bentonite, cement, starch, silica flour, ball clay, kaolin clay, zinc oxide and alumina. Typical conveying velocities are generally in the range of 100 to 1000 feet per minute (0.5 m to 5 m/sec) and the conveying pressure up to 100 PSIG (7 barg) pressure. This concept uses a non-fluidizing type pressure vessel to feed material into the conveying line at maximum density and utilizes DC-5 Air Saver technology to minimize and optimize the high pressure air which is supplied by a high pressure - up to 100 PSIG (7 barg) air compressor.