3“(76毫米)直径。直角盘式砂光机,自产生真空。4马力,15,000转/分,齿轮传动,扩展后排气,锁定型母垫,修整护罩独特的真空护罩将灰尘和碎片转移到真空源。Dynabrade的真空盘砂磨机功率3“(76毫米)直径的磨盘,用于高效的材料去除有色金属表面,如碳纤维,玻璃纤维,涂漆铝和更多。由于工具是砂光,柔性真空罩捕获灰尘,碎片和污染物(包括六价铬)到真空源-确保更清洁,更安全的工作场所。这是一个必要的工具,为航空航天,汽车,海洋和交通行业!每种型号包括51346垫板,用于3”(76毫米)直径锁定型磨盘。利用工具?S排气形成强大的真空吸力。1英寸(25毫米)直径的真空端口准备连接到可选的便携式自包含的除尘系统。 Trimmed Shroud height of 1" (25 mm) accommodates 3" (76 mm) diameter locking-type abrasive discs (sold separately). Vacuum Shroud constructed of high-quality clear urethane. Unique view -port allows operator to see edge of sanding disc, and offers optimum view of work surface. Flexible, non-marring Vacuum Shroud allows capture of dust, debris and contaminants (including Hexavalent Chromium). Vacuum Shroud angle of 6 degrees ensures ideal surface contact for maximum debris extraction. Wick-Lube system extends gear life with simple lubrication.