lpc300电子压力校准器适用于压力仪表、压力变送器、数字压力计、压力开关、超压保护阀等的高精度校准。该LR-Cal LPC 300是一个非常友好的,准确和紧凑的压力比较校准解决方案。内置的参考传感器LR-Cal LPC-S是可变的;多个压力范围可以覆盖一个LR-Cal lpc300单位(多达10)。所有标准压力范围在0…250年mbar(0…4 psi)和0…1000条(0…14500 psi),以及真空和绝对压力范围的精度±0.025% FS。此外,范围可达8000 bar (116000 psi),精度±0.1% FS。电子压力校准器LR-Cal LPC 300测量压力,伏特和毫安,并提供24 VDC作为发射机的源。校准程序可以预先定义,并用于现场校准。 The LR-Cal LPC 300 is featured with USB- and RS232-interfaces and is powered by a chargeable Lithium-Ion battery pack (no "memory effect"). Accurate, high resolution, compact, rigid Pressure ranges from 0...250 mbar to 0...6000 bar, as well as vacuum, compound and absolute ranges Changeable reference pressure sensors LR-Cal LPC-S All standard pressure units (plus one self-definable) Conversion pressure to volt/milliamps and vice versa