控制和信号器面板紧凑的信号和控制系统。控制和信号器面板是监控关键植物报警的完美设备。它们的设计和组装在自定义请求时,它们适应所有需求。它们由Ø16mmdomo产品组成:ampiled hl,按钮,必威体育app官方下载选择器开关和蜂鸣器声音。控制和信号器面板应用实际上是无穷无尽的。由于完全可编程的Logica,它们可用于监控和控制每个工厂或系统。以下是DOMO单位使用的一些示例:监控控制和收购警报。控制气体水平,烟雾,液体。试验灯的合理化。医院患者的呼叫等待。 Medical gas levels alarms. AUTOMATION Control panels. Monitoring plates. Benefits of DOMO Control and Annunciator Panels. AmpLED Display Indicators' head are light evenly, and they are provided with a removable front glass, which makes easy to replace the labels. That's why DOMO Control and Annunciator Panels can be updated easily, at low cost, without having to restart the entire system and without disconnecting the voltage. It is sufficient to remove, add or replace the necessary components, leaving intact the rest of the structure. The DOMO Control and Annunciator Panels consist of a frame in black anodized aluminum based on modular standard 24x24mm, tailored according to the components required.