该涡轮650 -闭路破碎系统全部收集在一个单一的平台上,可以用卡车运输。研发小组设计了这个系列的短期安装。DM系列是指在一个底盘上的破碎/筛分闭路装置。为小型、中型或大型工作提供无与伦比的立方体规格产品生产。必威体育app官方下载生产多种,立方规格的产品与三层斜屏。必威体育app官方下载将保留在上层甲板上的材料返回冲击器进行进一步处理。这种粉碎机可以很容易地完成传统植物的工作。这种机器是最受欢迎的土耳其市场和世界市场。涡轮系列适用于玄武岩、花岗岩等坚硬材料,以及铁矿石、石英、铬等材料。系统中现有的机械设备; *Vibrating Feeder and Hopper The feeder is suitable for feeding with Excavator and Loader and can be feed as well with truck with an additional hopper. The additional hopper can be opened and closed by the hydraulic system. This allows easy assembly and disassembly. The feeding tray has a screening system. In this screening system there is a zig zag type grill system which can eliminate the large materials easily . By-pass conveyor allows sifted and thin materials to be stocked in the stock area , or it can send this materials directly to the main band by a clapper groove. Thanks to this clapper groove, the mine can be transported to the stock area without entering the stone crusher, or the main band can be feed. This is a factor that increases the capacity.