在手表行业或医疗部件中,小直径和螺纹之间不允许有毛刺。该攻丝工具用两台complété型线机(例DIXI 1730)加工小直径和螺纹。也是因为这个原因。与部分轮廓线螺纹工具相比,螺纹质量更好。然而,切削力至少比部分型刀大两倍。因此,弯曲明显,尤其是微螺纹。发生在难以切割的材料(不锈钢,马氏体时效钢,)。因此,使用完整概要文件线程工具是不合适的。一种complété型材螺纹工具结合了两个优点的微螺纹:螺纹质量和较低的切削力。但这些工具无法补偿螺纹工具与孔或预孔直径偏小的误差。 DIXI has therefore engineered an extension of drill-thread cutting tool DIXI 1740 by increasing the number of flûte to 3 while keeping end cutting edge. Thus, it’s possible to compensate misalignment or having smaller pre hole. A Carbide grade with outstanding flexural strength and wear résistance has been selected in order to prevent early damage to the cutting edge. The new génération C-TOP coating has been chosen for difficult to eut material due to its excellent adhesion and maximal use température.