尺寸:1,125 x 800 x 1,000 mm。重量:380kg切割电机-变速箱:1马力液压电机:2马力电气控制面板,内置自动装置。正常供电:220或380v 50Hz。不锈钢材质。切料采用双压缩系统,保证切料成型准确。切割格栅尺寸:96 x 96毫米。料盘长度:300mm。输送速度从1到30毫米不等。正常生产速度:300kg /小时(视驱动速度而定)通过拆卸切割刀片,可以将骰子切割到指定的最小尺寸,并可调节最大尺寸,使空间最大平等。理想的生产骰子产品从+3ºC到+10ºC。必威体育app官方下载 Not suitable for frozen produce. Suitable for cutting fresh or cooked meat products into dice, rectangles, slices, etc. with end measurements set by cutting grille and adjustable length, according to the needs. Allows the cutting of any product with sufficient texture to withstand the pressure of the drive roller and the cutting unit.