玻璃钢水箱广泛应用于普通住宅、商业住宅、办公楼、住宅小区、政府机关、酒店、学校等日常生活和消防用水。工矿企业生产和生活用水,用于各类循环水、冷却水和热水供应系统,玻璃钢不锈钢水箱具有不渗漏、不变形等特点。本实用新型专利技术无污染,使用寿命长,组装方便,外形美观,可根据用户需要组装成不同吨位的水箱。特点1。精心挑选原材料,选用国内知名品牌的不饱和树脂和玻璃纤维,确保产品质量。2.该产品具有独特的结构。采用特殊的密封条和全螺栓连接结构,不仅便于组装,而且避免了泄漏和密封不当。特殊的内拉杆结构,机械性能更合理。3.The construction process is fast, the standard moulding plate is assembled at will, and no hoisting equipment is needed. According to the user's requirements to determine the shape, volume to ensure that meet the design requirements, installation site does not need special requirements, beautiful box. 4.More hygienic and environmental protection, can maintain water quality clean, will not appear algae and red worms breeding, avoid secondary water pollution. 5.Use this product to clean once a year, which can reduce the cost of cleaning.