BF 6 M 1015m现代水冷四冲程6缸v型发动机。水冷涡轮增压器和排气歧管。动力输出齿轮驱动的。带有机械调速器的现代喷射系统。发电机组用电子调速器。由发动机冷却液增压空气冷却器。创新的DEUTZ多路并行冷却系统。紧凑的设计。适用于船舶应用195 - 440 1015M kW|261 - 590 hp在1500 - 2100 min-1|rpm排放认证和类型认可水冷6或8缸V发动机(90°)涡轮增压和增压空气冷却。低油耗、低维护成本和长寿命的发动机降低了运行成本。 100% power take-off at flywheel and front end and additionally two PTO drives with a total torque of up to 400 Nm. The engine-driven cooling water pumps simplify the installation for keel and rawwater cooling. The engines fulfil the emission limit values in accordance with IMO, EU and ZKR (CCNR). DEUTZ marine engines are developed especially for the requirements of marine applications and meet the requirements of the classification societies. Type Approvals of the IACS classes1) and other classes are available on request. The extremly compact engine design and customer friendly accesoires reduce the installation costs. The robust engine design allows worldwide operation even with high sulphur fuels.