TCD 2013 L4 2 v水冷四缸内嵌的发动机与涡轮增压和增压空气冷却。强大的道依茨共轨喷射系统(DCR®)和电子发动机控制(EMR 4)与智能驱动链接管理确保优化发动机的性能较低的燃料消耗。湿式气缸套,换油间隔长,发动机容易改变液体减少运营成本,提高设备的可用性。低噪声排放由于听觉上优化组件非常平稳运行和高耐久性。安装简单,廉价的最低重量和小的安装空间。空气过滤器和冷却系统完全预。最好的冷起动性能即使在极端条件下。2013年TCD满足欧盟的要求阶段iii a。TCD 2013 16种2 v水冷6缸直列发动机与涡轮增压和增压空气冷却。强大的道依茨共轨喷射系统(DCR®)和电子发动机控制(EMR 4)与智能驱动链接管理确保优化发动机的性能较低的燃料消耗。 Wet cylinder liners, long oil change intervals and easy changing of the engine fluids reduce the running costs and increase the availability of the machinery. Low noise emissions due to acoustically optimized components with very smooth running and high durability. Easy, inexpensive installation due to minimum weight and small installation space. Air filter and cooling system are fully pre-assembled. Best cold starting performance even under extreme conditions. The TCD 2013 meets the requirements of EU Stage IIIA.