Deprag公司的Micromat-EC/Minimat-EC螺丝刀系列是为最苛刻的情况而制作的灵活工具。它们允许自由编程,以实现任何需要的拧紧操作。转速、转矩、旋转方向、待机时间等参数均可完全编程。这些参数在包括到装配线之前都是单独编程的。这种方法可以通过详细的过程监控进行精确的操作和准确的扭矩测量。这些设备上的主轴使用AST螺丝刀控制器和无刷技术,以实现高灵活性和全过程控制。这些螺丝刀产生高扭矩和异常高的动力,以确保螺丝的拧紧。它的测量和扭矩控制集成系统提供了整个过程的精确控制,并最终导致高精度和可靠的过程数据文件。使用手动螺丝刀操作需要AST 10序列控制器,该控制器自带电源。它使用一个标准程序的扭矩,紧固,拧紧和松动紧固件。 The keyboard on the controller is used to adjust the parameters. The software these devices use is very user-friendly and various add-ons are available. They collect the data and conduct the analysis and display the results on the graphic markers. This makes the entire process analysis easy. If the positioning stand is used it allows even more detailed monitoring in terms of the position dependent processes. Micromat EC is available only in the straight design execution as the option and it has the torque from 3 to 80 Ncm. The Minimat EC comes in angle head, straight and pistol-grip option and has a torque range of 0.06 to 18 Nm for straight setup and pistol-grip and 0.4 to 25 Nm for angle head setup.