用于重型符合人体工程学的带式砂光机,工业applications.Our DEPRAG INDUSTRIAL砂带磨光机被设计用于研磨,平滑和抛光甚至弯曲的表面,边缘的斜切和钢,不锈钢,黄铜,青铜铸造的制造, aluminum parts, etc.DEPRAG CZ a.s. offer contact arms for belt sanders in different designs, shapes, sizes and materials - made for your application. The application range of the belt grinders is almost unlimited, due to many different contact arms that we offer. The grinders can be used for standard vertical or horizontal grinding of edges and pipes. Different size of contact wheels and thin arms allow grinding of places with limited access or inside holes. Contact arms with belt support are used on flat surfaces and arms without support are more suitable for finishing of round surfaces. The specialized construction of the contact-arms allows the efficient grinding, even in tight quarters. The contact-arms are efficiently connected to the motor of the belt-sander by a contact-wheel.