户外龙卷风EMC IP55框架和接触面之间采用EPDM导电垫圈,确保完美的电气连接和优越的屏蔽。它符合确保电力装置完全安全的所有标准。此外,每个部件都通过了在极端条件下进行的测试。改进的设计和材料,坚固耐用,容易打开,平滑的锁。的灵活性。最大的门开度(高达120°),您的组件的最大工作宽度,易于拆卸,卓越的性能和高度抛光表面的独特功能。我们建议在翠贝卡的电缆入口基地安装底座。室外风暴系列外壳。为安置在市区或市区间而设计的。保护照明所需的电子设备。标识和视频监控。 Its application range is extended with external telecommunication installations. telephones. computers, weather stations and any other application that needs extra protection. The Storm Series is characterized by its high resistance to corrosion and wear. ideal for placement in cities and highways, spacious interior. thanks to its construction. it achieves greater width and height than the rest. Provided with approved water repeltent injected seals on exterior doors allowing for tightness and stabilising an ideal temperature for placement in areas of extreme temperature or hostile weather environments. Made of stainless steel AISI 304L (EN 14306) wiyh polyester paint finish, and features a handle made of a material nighly resistant to vandalism and forced openings. The interior design allows easy placement of racks. mounting plates or separators.