工作站HMIs不锈钢计算机外壳IP65,专为灰尘、污垢和潮湿的工业环境设计,不锈钢AISI 3o4L制造。为制造、计算机和外围设备提供保护和存储,而不节省设计和功能。标准的工业操作人员工作站使用工业级组件。我们的标准产品适用于室内或室外环境,4X IP66等级的洗涤环境。通用工作站可以包括安装选项。I/O、外壳材料和计算能力。工作站的人机界面安装在316不锈钢NEMA 4X Division a外壳与底座安装或壁挂式配置。外壳尺寸小于旧的防爆单元,因此它们占用较少的宝贵空间在设施。采用强化电阻触摸屏和工业级电子设备。危险工厂地板上的显示器能够再现与控制室显示器相同的高质量图像,而无需重新编程配置。 Now operators had the same functionality in the plant as they had in the control room. Plant personnel were no longer required to make several trips from the plant floor to the control room each day. It is easier for operators to make changes and adjustments, and they have more meaningful information at their fingertips. This helps avoid unnecessary downtime. There is also an unexpected bonus: The flat-panel displays consume less power and generate less heat than the predecessors.