Delta Regis ICESL系列工具将DC闭合离合器无刷螺丝刀的性能与可编程,手柄安装的批次计数器集成。每个工具包括2米电缆,可以连接到32V或40VDC电源(单独出售)。•批量计数值可以设置为0-99螺钉/批次。螺丝刀每次完成一个好的紧固件损失时都会倒入一个。•LED显示屏显示当前螺钉计数值,并在编程模式下显示可用选项和设置值。•编程按钮位于LED显示屏下方的驱动器上。按钮用于在使用螺丝刀组件之前设置参数。可以通过按预设的按钮组合来锁定编程模式,以避免意外程序发生变化。•“清除”按钮允许手动重置计数以开始新批处理。•MIN和MAX RUNDOWN时间设置允许用户为紧固件安装建立可接受的时间窗口。 Only fastener rundowns which occur within the specified window will be accepted as good (OK) and cause the count to increment. Rundowns completed outside the time window will be considered no good (NG). This might occur if the screw was cross-threaded (time too short – below min time) or stripped (time too long – greater than max time). • Visual and audible indicators are available to let the operator know if the rundown was OK or NG, and when the batch has been completed. • Screwdrivers can be hard-wired with additional output signal cable (included in box) to output rundown status (NG/OK Batch) to a PLC.