DAMPTAC伺服电机可以控制速度,位置精度非常精确,可以将电压信号转换为转矩和速度来驱动控制对象。伺服电机转子转速由输入信号控制,反应速度快。在自动控制系统中,它被用作执行器。具有机电时间常数小、线性度和启动电压高等特点,能接收电信号。转换为角位移或角速度输出在电机轴上。伺服电机分为直流和交流两大类,其主要特点是当信号电压为零时无旋转现象,转速随转矩的增大而减小,且转速均匀。DAMPTAC伺服电机优点精度:位置、速度、力矩闭环控制;克服了步进电机的越位问题;2、转速:性能高速,一般额定转速可达2000 ~ 3000rpm; 3, adaptability: strong anti-overload capability, can withstand three times the rated torque load, especially for occasions with instantaneous load fluctuations and requests for quick start; 4, stable: low-speed operation is stable, low-speed operation does not produce a stepping operation similar to the stepper motor. Suitable for occasions with high speed response requirements; 5. Timeliness: The dynamic time of motor acceleration and deceleration is short, generally within tens of milliseconds; 6, comfort: fever and noise significantly reduced.