Go-Scan便携式X射线探测器需要始终将检测时间减少到严格的最小值,NDT世界正在慢慢降低其对电影的依赖性,并直接跳入数字射线照相(DR)革命。虽然节省了大量的时间和金钱而不是开发电影,但数字射线照相还使您能够编辑,记录并将您的检查发送给任何人,随时随地,无论您想要。有史以来第一次,Teledyne ICM和Teledyne Dalsa,世界上最先进的X射线解决方案提供商,团结起来,揭示了第一个全集成的便携式数字X射线解决方案。通过专注于最终用户作为这种令人难以置信的协作的起点,我们创建了一个完全设计的高科技数字X射线解决方案!Featuring Teledyne DALSA’s high-resolution CMOS detector, and the lightest portable x-ray generators on the market, Teledyne ICM’s CPSERIES, the GO-SCAN solution is without a doubt the all-around NDT solution when it comes to image quality, ease of use, handiness, and reliability. With a resolution going down to 49.5 µm, and a total weight of 3.5 Kg, the GO-SCAN detector is the perfect digital radiographic tool for applications ranging from inspections of alloy material in the aerospace industry, to steel pipes in the oil & gas industry, to delicate fabrics or artefacts in the art world. Recently, the GO-SCAN product range has grown with the GO-SCAN C-View. This light weight, ruggedized and battery operated X-Ray imaging system is specifically developed for CUI (Corrosion Under Insulation) inspection on the field.