结合强度和精度,斗山®DX300LL-5原木装载机可以全天候的林业工作。它的特点是完全保护,重型起落架和上部结构专门设计用于林业应用。DX300LL-5配备了一个高步行者起落架设计。履带配有重型连接,双鞋和全长履带引导守卫。DX300LL-5有重型顶部滚轮与特殊的清洗支架。上部结构提供了主机加固,全底盘保护,整体通道,重型侧门,液压泵和冷却系统门禁,以及起落架保护。驾驶室具有一个4英尺的立管与保护和液压倾斜运输。其他的设计创新包括改进的鞋跟设计和改进的前、臂架和驾驶室护罩。可选的侧入林业驾驶室是俄勒冈州OSHA和不列颠哥伦比亚WCB标准认证。它有一个防护的聚碳酸酯前窗,聚碳酸酯侧窗和后窗和一个后二级出口。 An intelligently designed cab makes it easy to focus on your work. You're surrounded by more foot space, better visibility, and automatic air conditioning with adjustable airflow. Work comfortably with the standard air suspension seat and simple controls. To help save diesel fuel, auto-shutdown comes standard. When enabled, the feature will shut down the loader’s engine when the preset idle time is met. Operators can configure the idle time from 3 to 60 minutes.