我们的搅拌机功能强大且实用,确保你得到均匀的混合,并保持肉的质地。实用的|甚至,常规混合|理想的每一种肉类电动容器,从2到35KG的工作完全在不锈钢18/10和防水。可拆卸的手臂和碗。强大而沉默。电气设备被保护在防水的外壳里。润滑脂浴减速器(润滑脂使用寿命)。很容易清洗。保护盖。安全避免在手臂抬起时开始。符合CE标准。 Kneoder- mixers allow to mix and knead every flesh within some minutes without damaging them. PMX60CM and PMX90CM mixers are equipped with both motors which drive the bowl what allow to mix the small quantities. Options disponibles -Available Options: Variateur de vitesse - Speed variator. Alimentation mono 230 V - 230V single phase motor.