我们的“大切片”火腿切片机在市场上是独一无二的。它坚固准确,操作可靠,便于完美切割。其完全不锈钢和开放的设计,确保易于清洁和完全卫生。密封,可手动喷雾清洁100%不锈钢|配备VARIOCUT系统完全不锈钢Aisi 304。耐腐蚀。运行可靠性和清洁设施,由于其设计与一个可移动的车厢。非常严格的结构。高精度切片厚度调节器:0 - 25mm。VARIOCUT®系统。皮带传动,无需施普林格,性能优异。 Independant sharpener, very easy to use. A simple operation of the control knob of thickness allows a perfect sharpening. Moreover, this operation can be done by novice person. Sliding carriage very flexible thanks to its guide system adjusted and supersized. The strength and quality of the components associated to the attention brought to assembling and fitting operations guarantee a perfect slicing, even very fine, and a total satisfaction for users during many years. Product holder washable in dishwasher. Equiped with a motor Mono 0,27 or 0,37 CV. Indication of waterproofness IP S3. Certification ULNSFCSA.