应用:它通常用于发电厂,钢铁厂,水泥厂,铝冶炼厂,有色金属冶炼厂,磷肥厂,硝酸植物,硫酸植物,石化植物,大型工业燃煤烟囱的化学纤维厂和其他固定气体浓度监测来源。规格:范围:SO2:0-2000PPM NO:0-2000PPM CO:0-5000PPM CO2:0-25%O2:0-25%(注意:测量范围可以通过要求定制。)技术:SO2 / NO /CO / CO2:NDIR O2:ECD分辨率:SO2 / NO / CO2:1PPM O2:0.01%精度:SO2 / NO / CO2:≤±2%FS O2:≤±3%FS烟气温度:0-300℃ Flue dust: 0-2000mg/m³ Flue pressure: -2500 - +2500Pa Features : 1.The system continuously monitors the gaseous pollutants by heating extraction method. 2.Sampling probe has large filtering area, the filter easy to replace. 3.Pretreatment system using imported devices which effectively waterproof, dust-proof, anti-corrosion. 4.PLC data acquisition system is fully functional, intuitive and easy to operate. 5.A variety of data output. 6.The analyzer can be flexibly selected according to field requirements. 7.Analysis system cabinet modular design and easy to operate. 8.The analysis system has stability and high reliability, so it can reduce the daily maintenance costs. 9.This model have rich features, it can achieve automatic sampling, purging, calibration, fault diagnosis, alarm, etc.