紧凑型飞行员冷冻干燥机提供先行冷冻干燥机的功能和能力,有用的表面为0.6m²和15千克陷阱,在-85°C。它非常紧凑。它还具有架子,其中热交换液循环。温度可以从-60℃变化至+ 60℃。这是一个非常紧凑的冻干机。其陷阱具有2级冷却系统,最小温度为-85°C,与升华室分离。可以安装大钻DN80气动阀。风冷的冷凝器除去冷却回路隔离的热量,而不需要冷却水。矩形升华室宽375毫米,高550毫米,深420毫米。它配备了6架280毫米宽,360毫米深,面积1000平方米。 There is also an upper radiant shelf. The shelves are adjustable. There is 70 mm of usable height between them if they are evenly spaced. The gap between shelves is easily changed by moving the support pins. This makes it possible to accommodate taller containers by increasing shelf spacing. The dryer is operated by an internal control card via lyophilization software developed over many years by CRYOTEC. This offers the same functional flexibility and the same ease of use as the Pilot freeze dryer. It can be equipped with a manual vacuum plugging system for lyophilization in flasks or vials.