单模Rel-Easy (release easy) LC光纤跳线非常适合高密度解决方案。LC单引导设计,一根电缆可以承载两根光纤,适用于数据中心的高密度光纤打补丁。交换极性设计允许快速和容易的极性转换,无需任何工具。用跷跷板的思想设计特殊的引导,实现LC连接器从高密度光纤贴片板或其他应用中轻松释放。Rel-Easy LC光纤贴片线是高密度贴片面板或设备的理想贴片!低配置boot形状优化侧堆叠性。LED跟踪功能,节省时间。明确标识极性A和b。特殊的外壳设计避免了潜在的连接器和电缆损坏。减少电缆通道堵塞。简化电缆管理。 For high density data center applications and blade servers. Can be disengaged easily and fast. CRXCONEC Single Mode OS1 Rel-Easy LC Duplex Fiber Optic Patch Cord Insertion Demonstration With the patented seesaw tab design, users can remove the patch cord easily from the high-density panel without affecting the fiber cable nearby. Fiber Optic LC Patch Cable Quality Assurance With professional producing lines and testing machines, the quality we produce from our factory all pass world-class standards assurance.