315-318 FlexiCup®它代表了一种创新系统,用于制备和使用涂料产品(水或溶剂底座),归功于其柔性一次性杯子。必威体育app官方下载由于其柔性一次性杯,它代表了一种用于制备和使用涂料产品(水或溶剂底座)的创新系统。必威体育app官方下载为什么使用Flexi-Cup®?•易于使用。•实用且易于组装,光线使用。•它不需要外部刚性杯,因此不需要调整它。•齐全,内部校准过滤器(125μ或190μ)。•透明的卷和比例的卓越可见性。•直接在Flexi-Cup上制备和混合涂料。•它可以适应适配器的任何类型的喷枪。 • It allows painting operations in any position, even upside down. • It allows the use of all the prepared paint. • It reduces the working times and the use of solvents for cleaning. • Possibility of paint storage inside it, occupying little space. Technical information Before proceeding to the choice of the type of Flexi-Cup® most suitable, it is always advised to consult the instructions provided by paint manufacturers.