STS Mc¹¹混合者混合者相当大的增加吞吐量与其特定的扭矩的11.3 Nm /立方厘米STS Mc11混合者设置新标准:以高达27%的吞吐率高于先前的模型,而更高程度的螺杆填充导致熔体温度的降低,从而提高复合质量。它整合了cooperion的整个流程和质量诀窍。STS Mc11系列专用于欧洲cooperion品牌变速箱。最大螺杆转速从800转增加到900转。为了改善清洁和便于母粒应用的快速转换,STS双螺杆挤出机还具有新的料斗与镶件和重新设计的模头。螺杆联轴器类似于一个长期证明在ZSK Mc18系列。新的,优化的基础框架承受扭矩下最大的应力。STS Mc11复合剂涵盖了工艺技术中的大多数标准应用。它提供了具有吸引力的性价比的高生产率。STS Mc11的生产在中国南京,符合CE指令。 The result: A high-performance compounding system with low investment costs which ensures a fast return on investment. The modular design of the process section allows maximum flexibility in production at process lengths of 24 to 68 D. ADVANTAGES OF THE STS MC¹¹ TWIN SCREW COMPOUNDER - Proven Coperion manufacturing standards - CE certificate - New, optimized base frame to withstand torsion under maximum stress - Screw speeds of up to 900 rpm depending on the machine configuration and application