H . .T技术规格标准尺寸:H65T - H80T - H105T特殊版本:2:H80TL - H105TL纵向航向(mm):480 -速度60次/分钟。垂直航向(mm):120 -速度60次/分钟。负载运动(Kg):多达30个描述的系列H..由COLOMBO FILIPPETTI spa提供的共轭双凸轮机构,将均匀输入的旋转运动转换为同步的相控2轴正交线性运动,典型的“门柱”拾取和放置运动。铸铁住房。循环完全机械同步。噪音低,运动平稳,设计紧凑。可安装蜗轮蜗杆减速器。主要维护自由。 Various standard movements. GENERAL INFORMATION The INTERMICO manipulator is a compact mechanism which can be utilised wherever there is a need to load, unload, transport or simply re-position parts or small working units automatically, swiftly and smoothly. The required movement is achieved by the manipulator by means of a completely mechanical transmission with conjugate cams,ensuring a precise movement without back-lash throughout the entire cycle of re-positioning. The INTERMICO manipulator can be activated either in automatic mode with its own electric motor, or by direct coupling to the main drive-shaft with which it will operate in complete synchronicity.