Consucam-3D CAD CAM软件我们希望通过CNC-Step向您提供一些最新CAD CAM软件的见解。在此页面上,无论您是否要在3D中雕刻或铣削照片,可以了解该软件能够完成的内容,制造标志系列;如果您想将2D向量图形转换为3D STL。文件或者只想要制造邮票... Contrucam-3D可以做到......请参阅自己:Consucam-3D /哲学和基础CNC-Step是由一个制造商设计的程序和一个哲学。没有必要在单独的模块中更改程序或工作,也不是工作区域之间的“发送”和“接收”的不方便。Contrucam-3D仅使用一个唯一的数据文件 - 单击 - 并转到。每一步都保存。在电力停电的情况下没有数据丢失。Construcam-3D不仅仅是雕刻程序。它有一个专业的铣削软件的工作表面上,甚至在没有挤钱出来,你在3D领域的基本特征。 ConstruCAM-3D supports even the most inexpertly user with its many aids: Right from the beginning the start-up aid opens up. The programme has a complete, always up-to-date aid function, which is available any time with just one keystroke, even though the programme functions are active. Debugging can be carried out with that programme support, too. The menu record lists all inputs and data of your work and helps in case of unexpected effects.