Pulsar 55se吸盘爆炸柜零PULSAR 55SE是一种高生产的符合人体工程学的吸力爆炸柜,专门用于通过为爆炸运营商提供安全舒适的工作站,以提高生产率和效率。通过允许工人专注于实现所需的表面处理,可以使重复的工作变得更加容易,从而从座位上工作。机柜设计最小化地板空间要求。细胞制造环境的理想选择。安全性 - 全长,固定式手套可抵抗磨损和保护操作员。- 天花板安装,LED灯具,具有耐磨性。-Lexan®覆盖物,以获得非凡的可见性。- 安全互锁的中断爆破,如果打开了任何一扇门。- 集成的高效率反向脉冲收集器确保出色的通风和工作区域清洁度。生产力 - 独特的空气逻辑系统可最大程度地流向爆炸枪,以最佳性能。 - Small footprint minimizes floor space and enhances flow in work cells. - Ergonomic design eases operation and reduces operator fatigue. Convenience - Tilt-out window, for tool-free glass changes in minutes. - Pressure regulator, gauge, and electric switch mounted within easy reach. - Built-in blow-off gun removes residual media from parts and cabinet interior. - Common Applications - Cleaning parts - Deburring machined parts - Improving surface finish Popular Accessories/Options - Adjustable Gun Mount - Adjustable Vortex Tube - Alox Kit - Curtains (black or high-visibility white) - HEPA filter - Manometer Kit - 20″ Dia. Turntable - Two Gallon Tumble Basket - Timed Door Release - Magnetic screen