CLARK CTX 40/70是三轮,48 V电动拖拉机,气动轮胎。CTX40具有8,000磅或4000公斤的标称牵引能力。CTX70的标称牵引能力为15,000磅或7000千克。CTX40 / 70电动拖拉机高度可靠,各种应用的最佳选择。它们具有坚实的结构,并确保了需要可靠运输几个拖车载荷的应用中的坚固和一致可靠性。它们具有安全且符合人体工程学的操作员舱。可以通过低位输入的条目轻松访问隔间。距离区域有一个全宽橡胶地板覆盖物。这种覆盖物完全整洁,因此避免了滑动。它提供最佳的腿室。 It features an adjustable steering column featuring a steering wheel with two spokes. Also it has a convenient CLARK seat. These features provide excellent adjustability to the driver. The positioning of control elements is in easy-grip areas. It has huge storage compartments, which can be accessed easily.