全部在一个解决方案中,包括双组合自动转移FID:AirMovoc C2C6和AirMovoc C6C12。该解决方案是全球范围内提供的,用于在环境空气中监测臭氧前体。空中沸石利用AIRMOVOC C2-C6和AIRMOVOC C6-C12,带FID来监测:56种USEPA列表。加入88个化合物,当加入14分子。通过组合这两种仪器,可以分析光和重的VOC。对10种化合物没有干扰,这可能会符合EN 14 662-3的苯苯。使用FID检测器和H2作为载气,分离和灵敏度优异至PPT水平。该设备具有Mcerts,BTEX批准以及EN 15267-1:2009,EN 15267-2:2009&EN 14662-3:2015分析仪是从0到100 PPB的线性(0-325μg/ m3范围):Airmobtx / AirMovoc C6-C12,线性和重复性测试。由于内部校准(Airmocal),仪器完全自动化。它们用±2%认证的初级天然气标准校准。 The VISTACHROM software controls the analyzers and enables storage and display of the chromatograms thanks to Peak Viewer. It is possible to transfer data to a data logger with the communication protocols MODBUS RTU, JBUS or German PROTOCOL. The airmozone is the solution for in situ VOC analysis. It is a standalone system with H2 and Air generators as well as embedded calibration integrated in cabinet. This solution comes top in US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) field trials and is considered as unique autonomous and integrated solution for on field application.