CK-SC系列侧碎片型塑料回收造粒线是回收清洁或洗涤塑料薄膜,纤维,地毯,织物,巨大袋等的理想选择。可能的材料:PP,HDPE,LDPE,PET,PC薄膜,尼龙纤维,PP地毯,巨型袋,EPE,EPP,EPS等。输送机是将塑料废物输送到侧面粉碎机以进行破碎。在加入单螺杆挤出机之前,必须将再循环的塑料资源分成小块,以避免引起螺杆磨损。被挤出机熔化,捏合并过滤碎片,然后通过水环造粒系统切成粒料。将所有粒料冷却,干燥并筛选以成为可重复使用的材料。输送带输送机是将塑料废物送到侧面碎纸机中,以粉碎成小块。提供不同的规格。侧面碎片设备适用于粉碎灯,蓬松或泡沫塑料废物。在进料到塑料挤出机之前,必须将再循环塑料压成小块,以防止大碎片引起粉碎机切割器的过载和停止。塑料挤出机塑料挤出机是熔化,输送,揉捏和过滤塑料。 The extruder screws and barrels are the key components. The design, material selection, and machining accuracy will affect the quality of the final finished pellets. Water ring pelletizing system Water ring pelletizing system is widely used, but it is not suitable for sticky, low-viscosity materials because pellets can stick together before they hit the water. When the molten polymer exits the die holes and is cut into pellets by rotating knives in air.